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My name is zahid,people known me as PakArt UrduLover

28 Apr 2010

Safer browsing with Internet Explorer 8

Exploring Windows Newsletter
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April 2010
Internet Explorer 8  Logo
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Stay Secure

Safer browsing with Internet Explorer 8

Every day, more of the things we do depend on the Internet. So it's nice to know Internet Explorer 8 can help you stay safer and more secure while browsing, thanks to Domain Highlighting, SmartScreen Filtering and many features. Help protect your data and identity right out of the box.

Find out more about Internet Explorer 8 here

This month's features

PC shortcuts you need to know

Get to what you want in a single step. These PC shortcuts will help you breeze through your projects in record time.

Windows 7 shortcuts

Windows Vista shortcuts

Finish your work faster with Windows 7

Check out the key ways that Windows 7 is designed to help you blaze through your work. Discover Windows search here.

Book of the Month

Windows 7: The Best of the Official Magazine: A Real-Life Guide to Getting More Done

Reduced from �15.50 to �9.30

Explore the practical, fun, and creative things you can do right now with Windows 7. This guide comes packed with smart-and-simple tips - and vibrantly illustrated how-to's - on everything from navigating the Windows interface to taking advantage of new operating system features to fun projects for home, school, and work.

Click here

Get more out of Windows

Switch to a new PC the easy way

There's a little-known feature in Windows Vista which can make the normally painful process of moving to a new PC ridiculously easy. What's more, it can also serve as a powerful backup tool, which could save your data from the unthinkable should a major crash or disc corruption occur, offering total peace of mind.

Give your Windows PC a free health check

Check out our step by step guide to keeping your PC healthy and lasting longer.

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Urdu Designed Poetry

شاعر۔بشیر بدر سر سے پا تک وہ گلابوں کا شجر لگتا ہے

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